Will the Women of the Board Please Stand Up?


Kristy Sabbah joins us today as a former masjid board member and community leader. She reveals issues women on the board face and what they need from the community to support them. Let’s talk under representation, leadership accountability, cultural relevance, tokenism, and modeling board leadership for our daughters. The Muslim American masjid experience is so diverse, and our masjid (and organization) board representation must be as well.

Note: This podcast is not a place to obtain medical information and you must follow up anything you hear with your doctor.


  1. Find Kristy Sabbah IG: @kristysabbah

  2. Mom misinformation about COVID vaccine: https://www.cnn.com/videos/health/2021/05/05/elle-reeve-vaccine-hesitancy-mothers-facebook-groups-ebof-dnt-vpx.cnn/video/playlists/top-news-videos/  

  3. Muslim task forces on COVID vaccine: https://sharedsystems.dhsoha.state.or.us/DHSForms/Served/le3592A.pdf  

  4. Web: www.mommyingwhilemuslim.com

  5. Email: mommyingwhilemuslim@gmail.com

  6. FB: Mommying While Muslim page and Mommyingwhilemuslim group

  7. IG: @mommyingwhilemuslimpodcast


Why All Male Panels are Canceled


Women on Women Microaggressions in the Prayer Hall