Queer Muslim Moms


Shenaaz Janmohamed of Queer Crescent joins us today to discuss her experiences as an LGBTQi+ person. Find out how that informs her exploration of and work towards social justice and equity. What do I do if my kid comes out? How do masajid make ALL kids feel safe? What is gender and what is sex? These are a few of the questions we discuss today.

​Tune in at 6pm EST on Spotify, Stitcher, Apple podcasts, or click the link in bio after air time.


  1. Learn more about Queer Crescent: www.queercresecent.org 

  2. Affirming Masjid Al Rabia: https://masjidalrabia.org/

  3. Too Cute To Be Binary by Pidgeon Pagonis: http://pid.ge/

  4. Unico Como Yo: https://socialjusticebooks.org/one-of-a-kind-like-me/

  5. What Makes a Baby:  https://www.corysilverberg.com/what-makes-a-baby

  6. Against White Feminism: https://www.npr.org/2021/08/17/1027660980/against-white-feminism-is-an-urgent-call-to-action-for-solidarity-and-justice

  7. Web: www.mommyingwhilemuslim.com

  8. Email: mommyingwhilemuslim@gmail.com

  9. FB: Mommying While Muslim page and Mommyingwhilemuslim group

  10. IG: @mommyingwhilemuslimpodcast

  11. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrrdKxpBdBO4ZLwB1kTmz1w 


Queer Muslim Kids


Muslim Faces in the News